Thursday, September 18, 2008

MadmanAndMystic aka The 29-year-old Virgo...

Yes, that's right! I, MadmanAndMystic, am officially 29 years old as of September the 15th 2008. I realized that this is the last time there will be a "2" in front of the numbers representing my age...unless of course science progresses exponentially (fingers crossing and silent prayer being sent out to the universe) and I live to be 200 years old. I think that if George Burns lived to be 100 years old that I can live to be 200! That's not a bad goal is it? Other people focus on the accumulation of money, but I will focus on the accumulation of birthdays. I wonder what my cake would look like with 200 candles on it. Shit! What would I look like at 200? I can't imagine it! And what friends and family would I have around to help me celebrate it? My great, great, great great, great grandchildren who would wish I were dead already so they could turn the extra bedroom into an intergalactic transporter? I can hear them now " I can't believe he's still alive! If I have to hear that damn story about those payphone thingies they had back in the 20th century and how you had to always carry small pieces of round metallic monetary metaphors in your pocket so you can talk to someone I'm going to freeze dry myself!!! I can't take his psychobable anymore! Yesterday when I was eating my salad he told me they used to use horse shit to help tomatoes and vegetables grow and I almost threw up. That's disgusting!"
Is that how it would be? I wonder! Would you want to live to be 200 or is your curiosity overpowering you to find out if there is life after death? I think I'm curious about life after death, but like Woody Allen said " It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens." I guess my wanting to stay alive to 200 signifies a fear of death, so maybe I really don't want to know what happens in the post mortum. What if nothing happens? What if it's like when you close the lights? Nothing! Just nothing! It scares me to ponder thoughts like that, but no matter what I think, or say, or write one day I will have to face my fear and close my eyes for good.........with the hope that they open even wider on some other side... till then I leave you with that...

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

My review of the new iProcrastinate

iProcrastinate is my new toy for 2008! It basically helps you do anything else instead of what it is you are supposed to be doing. For instance, right now I should be writing and finishing my screenplay, but instead iProcrastinate is enabling me to do totally useless things with my time; creating a blog, answering emails, refereeing fights between my dog and cat(the cat won!), challenging myself to a game of darts, surfing the proverbial "internets", organizing my sock draw, etc.
If you find yourself constantly doing what your supposed to, like getting thru "to-do" lists with ease, achieving goals and keeping appointments, then iProcrastinate is definitely something you need to help you push back, well, everything! It's a MUST HAVE for all you urgency stricken people. What does it run on you ask? Well it runs on a very sophisticated algorithm that has two main parts to it that allow it configure your high priority duties and defenestrate them. For you tech junkies here is the basic format code that the iProcrastinate uses. 1) Do it today. 2) Tomorrow will be today tomorrow. It seems simple doesn't it? But believe you me, it's very complex and that is the beauty of it. I mean to constantly push back important things to do and pile them one on top of the other for days and weeks on end while at the same time providing many many useless and time devouring things to do is no easy task for any 3g gadget. You can even program it to allow you to do those important things at the very last possible minute or to just ignore them completely. It really is fantastic, and a synch to use.
iProcrastinate is compatible with iphone, ipod, itouchmyself, and anything else with an "i" in front of it.
So get out there and get one TODAY...or just wait till tomorrow...